Billi Media

30th Oct 2019

Spaces and Places You Can Find Billi Filtered Water Taps

When it comes to our Billi filtered water taps, it may be easy to assume that they are for the home or the office. But our Billi taps are extremely versatile in their design and functionality. This means you can find a Billi tap in a variety of places and spaces across the UK. 

No matter the space you are designing, for business or for leisure, our Billi taps can fit to your environment. At Billi, we have been selected by businesses and brands who wish to create spaces that go beyond the ordinary. 

To give you some inspiration around your choice of Billi filtered water tap, here are the spaces and places you can find a Billi tap. 


At Billi UK, we are often the filtered tap water of choice for co-working spaces.

Due to their sophisticated design, ease of use, and space-saving build; the Billi filtered water taps are a popular choice for co-working spaces. Especially, for those that want hydration stations which fit in with the existing interiors. 

As co-working spaces are becoming ever more present in our modern working lives, these spaces demand the latest innovations. 

At HubHub co-working space, we worked with their team to provide both clients and staff with the very best filtered hydration system. Helping them to choose a design that would fit their modern and industrial interior. 

We have also had the pleasure of working with Us&Co, another flexible co-working space in London. The brief from the Centre Manager of Us&Co was clear. Provide instant boiling, chilled and sparkling water through one tap. 

Each of the co-working spaces that has chosen Billi has had a specific need in mind for their tap. Due to the range of designs we have, at Billi, we’ve been able to cater to their requirements. 

Head Office 

At Billi, we support well-known retail brands and leading businesses. In fact, our Billi filtered water taps can be found in many Head Offices across the country. 

The headquarters of any organisation is paramount to leading the company culture and driving the vision forward. Many large brands have shown the importance of the head office, from Silicon Valley’s Facebook and Google, to London’s Unilever and ASOS HQ. 

The space of a head office has become just about brand reputation, as it has about employee wellbeing. No wonder that our Billi filtered water taps are consistently the choice for a number of brands to be an integral part of their head office. 

Most recently, we worked with an established British retail brand in fitting a Billi filtered water tap into their vibrant workspace. As a brand with a reputation for style, their requirement was to provide a stylish instant filtered water system into their social space. Plus, the design of the filtered water tap had to complement their kitchen designs. 

Style and substance was also a requirement for Gymshark. As a brand well-known for its innovation in the fitness industry, it was no surprise they were designing their head head office with the same vision. 

Sustainability is at the cornerstone of everything Gymshark believe in; they wanted a filtered water tap that could encourage their team to embrace re-usable bottles and travel mugs. Disposable cups and mugs are no longer in the Gymshark office. 

For Gymshark, Billi filtered water taps fit seamlessly with the company’s values of excellence and innovation. 

Discover more of the places and spaces you can find a Billi filtered water tap by visiting our Case Studies.