Billi Media

Educational Information

6th Feb 2019

Peppermint Tea: Digestion Aid or Health Myth?

Peppermint Tea Fan? Here’s Why it’s So Good For You Plenty of herbal teas claim health benefits, but peppermint tea is truly one of the good ones. The herbal, mint-based tea has been around for thousands of years. Its refreshing taste and health benefits mean it’s certainly one you should try in the office if […] Read more

16th Jan 2019

Under Counter Water Boilers – The Technology Behind it

Good Things Come in Small Packages Billi under counter water boiling systems take up a small space, have little impact on the environment, dispense cups of hot and chilled water in a very short time, and run at a low cost. Developed in the early 1990s and still leading the way in the design and […] Read more

7th Jan 2019

Does Coffee Actually Increase Your Metabolism?

Coffee and It’s Effect on Metabolism Studies suggest that coffee does have an effect on metabolism, at least in the short-term. But, a new study by Northwestern University suggests it may have even more of an effect than previously thought. If you’re a coffee drinker, this new evidence might interest you. It is generally known […] Read more

2nd Jan 2019

How to Motivate Your Employees In the New Year

Motivate Employees With These Easy Tips As the New Year begins, it can be hard to get staff motivated and working hard. Paperwork has been left to pile up and pushed aside until after the Christmas break. Now people are back at work after a long break, and it can be tough to get back […] Read more

25th Oct 2018

Recycling at Work – Why is it So Important?

Why do we need to recycle? Researchers have announced that we need to make drastic changes in the four big global systems that run our society. Energy, land use, cities and industries. Our impact on the planet is getting to a crucial point, where soon it will be too late to change. Dr Debra Roberts, […] Read more

23rd Oct 2018

Are There any Health Benefits from Drinking Filtered Water?

Can drinking filtered water contribute to a healthy lifestyle? We are all aware of how important it is to get our 2 litres of water a day. But, how can we make sure we are getting all the nutrients we need, rather than just chemicals? Although the UK running tap water is one of the […] Read more

15th Oct 2018

Sparkling Water Taps in the Workplace – What Are the Benefits?

How can water taps help with productivity? Increase positive productivity by making getting a drink easier for your colleagues. Installing water taps into the workplace can bring instant results. Waiting for the kettle to boil can be a distraction in workflow, therefore to minimise this bring an instant boiling tap into the equation. Similarly, it […] Read more

11th Oct 2018

An Investigation into Matcha Tea. What, When, Where Did it Come From?

So, You Think you Know Everything About Matcha Tea… Matcha Tea has been a major buzzword in the health industry recently. It joins the ranks of kale, quinoa, and acai, as a “superfood” – but, what exactly is Matcha? And what makes it different from normal green tea?  We decided to unpack the health craze […] Read more

5th Oct 2018

Do You Have Water That Smells Fishy? Here’s Why…

Why does my water smell like fish? The first thing when you think of water is the fresh, crisp and refreshing taste. What you don’t think of is the smell of fish. If you have this unwanted smell coming from your taps, it usually originates from a bigger issue hidden in the pipes or taps. […] Read more

4th Oct 2018

Is Safety an Important Factor in Tap Design?

Boiling tap design – what are the dangers? Here, at Billi, we always believe in innovation for the products that we create. We believe it drives our designers to think more effectively and efficiently to create high quality products suitable for workplace. Other than stylish tap design and highly-functioning products, we also intend to create a […] Read more

28th Sep 2018

Learn to Shop Consciously With These Tips

How You Can Shop Consciously  As a consumer, we’re typically more interested in value above anything else.  However, studies have recently shown that our concerns when shopping have started to change. In the next decade, priorities are expected to alter, from concerns over price to concerns over environmental impact.   ThoughtWorks carried out a survey […] Read more

24th Sep 2018

9p a Day. This is All Your Billi Tap Will Cost You.

The Billi Advantage One of the primary reasons why companies choose Billi is our pledge to help the environment. Unlike other traditional water systems such as kettles or coolers, Billi systems use far less energy. Less energy means less Co2. Our commercial range of taps provides chilled, boiling, sparkling and ambient water at the touch of […] Read more

20th Sep 2018

Drinking from Copper – Is It Good for You?

Are there Benefits of Drinking Water from Copper? Drinking water from glass bottles or glass cups is such a routine thing for us to do. Whether waking up in the middle of the night and grabbing a glass of water or starting your day filling up your water bottle for work. It’s almost ingrained in […] Read more

18th Sep 2018

How Can You Improve Your Energy Levels Without Coffee?

Food & Drink That Will Boost Your Energy Levels Many of us head straight for a cup of coffee if we’re feeling tired. And rightly so. It’s high in caffeine and can give us that much-needed energy boost when we feel like we’re flagging. Coffee is a natural energy booster due to its high caffeine […] Read more

11th Sep 2018

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water? Sometimes, you just can’t quench your thirst. Glass after glass of water, and you’re still thirsty. You might think that it’s ok to just keep gulping it down – but did you know you can actually drink too much water? Overdrinking or water intoxication is known as […] Read more

5th Sep 2018

New Research Says Coffee Can Help You Live Longer

Most people drink coffee to bring them back to life in the morning – but new studies suggest it won’t only make you feel more alive, it could genuinely help you live longer. Coffee is full of antioxidants and as such, can help protect you against age-related conditions. These conditions that can impact your lifespan […] Read more

22nd Aug 2018

Billi Are Supporting The Hamlet Centre Trust

Billi Supports the Hamlet Centre Trust Here at Billi, the way our customers are supported is one of our main priorities. We strive for a world-class customer service experience, to get this we rely on the essential feedback from our clients. We highly appreciate honesty from our valued customers and without it, we would be […] Read more

19th Aug 2018

How to Encourage Employees to Recycle at Work

6 Tips to Get Your Employees to Recycle at Work You may recycle at home, but do you recycle at work? Workplaces are full of paper, disposable coffee cups, cardboard and more. All this stuff is recyclable, so it should be disposed of in the correct fashion. However, getting employees to recycle, understand where to […] Read more

2nd Aug 2018

How Much Caffeine is in Your Favourite Drinks?

For those of us who don’t get enough sleep, the caffeine in cups of coffee or energy drinks gives us the kick-start we need in the morning and perks us up during afternoon slumps. Getting our energy from a mug, bottle or glass is an easy solution to the problem, but have you stopped to […] Read more

1st Aug 2018

Have You Heard of Nitro Coffee?

Nitro Coffee is a New Trend You Might Not Have Heard Of You might think that coffee is simple. White, black, sweetener or sugar. But, we all know it’s not. After all of the non-dairy options, the half shot, double shot, ‘dirty’, ‘clean’ chai, cortado stuff, there’s now a new addition. The nitro coffee. Now, […] Read more