Billi Media

Educational Information

11th Sep 2018

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water? Sometimes, you just can’t quench your thirst. Glass after glass of water, and you’re still thirsty. You might think that it’s ok to just keep gulping it down – but did you know you can actually drink too much water? Overdrinking or water intoxication is known as […] Read more

5th Sep 2018

New Research Says Coffee Can Help You Live Longer

Most people drink coffee to bring them back to life in the morning – but new studies suggest it won’t only make you feel more alive, it could genuinely help you live longer. Coffee is full of antioxidants and as such, can help protect you against age-related conditions. These conditions that can impact your lifespan […] Read more

22nd Aug 2018

Billi Are Supporting The Hamlet Centre Trust

Billi Supports the Hamlet Centre Trust Here at Billi, the way our customers are supported is one of our main priorities. We strive for a world-class customer service experience, to get this we rely on the essential feedback from our clients. We highly appreciate honesty from our valued customers and without it, we would be […] Read more

19th Aug 2018

How to Encourage Employees to Recycle at Work

6 Tips to Get Your Employees to Recycle at Work You may recycle at home, but do you recycle at work? Workplaces are full of paper, disposable coffee cups, cardboard and more. All this stuff is recyclable, so it should be disposed of in the correct fashion. However, getting employees to recycle, understand where to […] Read more

2nd Aug 2018

How Much Caffeine is in Your Favourite Drinks?

For those of us who don’t get enough sleep, the caffeine in cups of coffee or energy drinks gives us the kick-start we need in the morning and perks us up during afternoon slumps. Getting our energy from a mug, bottle or glass is an easy solution to the problem, but have you stopped to […] Read more

1st Aug 2018

Have You Heard of Nitro Coffee?

Nitro Coffee is a New Trend You Might Not Have Heard Of You might think that coffee is simple. White, black, sweetener or sugar. But, we all know it’s not. After all of the non-dairy options, the half shot, double shot, ‘dirty’, ‘clean’ chai, cortado stuff, there’s now a new addition. The nitro coffee. Now, […] Read more

26th Jul 2018

How to Achieve an NPS Score of 60

Is Achieving an NPS Score of 60 Nearly Impossible? Achieving a Net Promoter Score of 60 or above means that your customers are highly likely to recommend your services. Those scores go to companies who go above and beyond for clients, dedicating a willingness to attend to their every need. The score is calculated by […] Read more

24th Jul 2018

How much do you know about drinking water?

Water is essential to life and comes with many health benefits. Test your water knowledge! Take our quiz to see just how much you know about drinking water. Read more

23rd Jul 2018

How to Stay Hydrated in the British Heatwave

Make Sure to Stay Hydrated This Summer We’ve got a bit of a heatwave here in the UK. Humidity is high, and staying hydrated can be a struggle, especially when nobody is used to the heat! It may not seem like a big deal, but you need to take hydration seriously, and in this heat, […] Read more

17th Jul 2018

What Would a CO2 Shortage Mean?

Does CO2 Have a Place in the Boardroom? The news of the CO2 shortage was broken earlier last month. It has significantly affected the production of CO2 UK and has hit big businesses such as Booker, Heineken and Coca-Cola. And it doesn’t look to be improving into July.  The shortage of CO2 is said to […] Read more

11th Jul 2018

WRAS Approval: What Is It and Why It’s Important For You

WRAS Approval: What Is It and Why It’s Important For You In the water industry, WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) has a very large influence as they act on behalf of water suppliers across the UK. Primarily, they are responsible for ‘preventing the contamination of public water supplies and encouraging the efficient use of water by […] Read more

27th Jun 2018

Follow These Instructions on How to Taste Tea Like a Pro

Taste Tea Like a Pro With These Simple Instructions You might think you know everything there is to know about drinking tea. Especially if you have several cups of it a day. Milky, sugary tea is a British staple, however, the tea found in your standard tea bags isn’t the best out there. Though it […] Read more

21st Jun 2018

When Should We Drink Coffee? Follow This Coffee Schedule

If You’re Drinking Coffee Before 8am, Read This As a nation, we’re definitely partial to our cups of tea, but what about our coffee habits? Every day, the average person in Britain consumes around 3 cups of coffee. That works out roughly to one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the […] Read more

8th May 2018

Does Drinking Ice-Cold Water on a Hot Day Cool You Down?

On hot days, instinct might lead you to reach for a glass of ice-cold water, but science tells a different story. It turns out that indulging in a hot drink might be your secret weapon against the heat. Research shows that “those drinking hot water (roughly 122 degrees F) stored less heat in their bodies […] Read more

23rd Apr 2018

Should You Drink Extra Water on a Hot Day?

Hot Day? You Need to Drink More Water Than Usual The past few days have been the hottest of the year so far. With the temperature rising, your body with be sweating more as a method of cooling yourself down. As such, you’re going to need to make sure to stay hydrated! But, how much […] Read more

17th Apr 2018

An Investigation into Raw Water, Tap Water and Bottled Water

What is Best for You? Raw Water, Bottled, or Tap? You might think of water is just that, water. But, ask anybody, and they’ll have a preference for either bottled, tap or even a certain brand of bottled water. Water from different areas can have slightly different flavours, due to the presence of certain minerals […] Read more

13th Apr 2018

Do You Really Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

Are 8 Glasses of Water a Day Essential? For as long as we can remember, we’ve been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day. But, is there any truth or science behind this? Dehydration can be dangerous, and even fatal, but water can be consumed in other ways than just drinking. Water can […] Read more

12th Apr 2018

Kickstart Your Metabolism With a Morning Coffee

Boost Your Metabolism With Black Coffee Good news! New research is suggesting that coffee can help you lose weight. If like us, you can’t function until you’ve had a cup, you’re in luck. Hot drinks such as green tea are supposedly known for kick-starting your metabolism, but now, nutritionist Sarah Flowers is saying coffee may do […] Read more

8th Apr 2018

Why NPS Scores and Feedback Should Matter

What Is a Net Promoter Score and Why Does it Matter? Net Promoter Score is a survey designed to determine customer sentiment. NPS scores range from 1 to 10. 10 being the best, 1 having lots of room for improvement. The survey tests brand loyalty, and how likely customers are to recommend your services or […] Read more

6th Apr 2018

Sugar and Your Diet – How to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Reduce Your Sugar Intake by Cutting Out Sugary Drinks With the Sugar Tax soon coming into force, there won’t only be a health impact from drinking sugary drinks. As of April, the sugar tax will push the price of sugar-filled drinks up by close to 10p. The new tax, called the soft drinks industry levy, will […] Read more