Billi Media

2nd Aug 2017

Want to Switch to Billi? Check Out These Case Studies

Let These Client Testimonials Convince You to Switch to Billi

Sometimes, facts and figures aren’t enough. You want to hear real feedback and genuine reviews about products or services before committing to them. That’s why we thought we’d tell you about our previous clients. And trust us, we’ve got plenty of them. From charities to radio stations, we’ve fitted Billi taps in every kind of commercial space. Read these case studies and you’ll find out more about how we work directly to suit each client’s needs.

For each project, we are given a set of requirements. Whether that’s reliability, aesthetics, demand or time efficiency. With a variety of Billi products available, we work alongside the client to see which product will work best for their needs.

water system office


At the beginning of 2016, Mothercare started a major refurbishment on their head office. With around 700 employees, they were facing an issue of how to meet demand.  Hot and chilled filtered water were needed across three floors. Prior to Billi products, they were using kettles and regular taps, which took up valuable time and wasted energy. Billi products reduce energy loss, and help save water as the temperature is already chilled or hot! Say goodbye to running water until it’s the right temperature.

One of the main issues with the Mothercare office was high demand. Staff were unable to get a drink when they wanted one. To show how Billi products would improve the workplace, we produced statistics to show how a tap will perform during peak periods of high demand. This is typically at times such as lunchtimes or breaks etc. Following discussions and a site visit, and based on the Billi recommendation, Mothercare selected the very popular Quadra 460XL boiling and chilled system in chrome with matching drainage font. Kat Meehan, Head of Store Development and Facilities, whose input helped the decision to switch to Billi said: “We chose Billi for its value and sleek design.  It was an easy decision to make.”

chilled water system


When Ocado decided to extend their offices, they were looking for a smart system that would dispense boiling, chilled and sparkling filtered water. Billi products were just the right fit. Innovative and design led, they fit seamlessly into the new offices. Ocado were looking for a premium-quality product that would complement the newly designed office space. Reliability and Aesthetics were the two main requirements. The new office was sleek, and the products needed to be too.

As a result, Billi supplied two systems. The selected products were the Quadra Plus, to dispense boiling and chilled filtered water, and Quadra Plus Sparkling to dispense boiling, chilled and sparkling filtered water. Both systems had to cater for over 150 employees per floor. The decision to switch to Billi, however, was easy. Nick Webb, Head of Office Enablement, chose to transition to Billi products due to the “fantastic customer service, premium aesthetics and quality of the product.”

switch to billi

If these two case studies haven’t convinced you to switch to Billi, then why not check out some more! Contact us today and start the conversation about a switch to Billi products. Learn more about how we can save you money on your energy bills.