Billi Media

30th Aug 2022

What are the benefits of a CPD for the individual?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development, and the benefits and advantages of a CPD course are evident for both the employee and employer. We’re going to look at why an individual may look to improve their knowledge by taking a CPD course and what makes them worthwhile.

Continuing Professional Development courses are beneficial for employees and employers alike. We’re going to look at why people may look to improve their knowledge by taking a CPD course, what makes them worthwhile and why employers use them to promote growth & engagement within their teams.

Sustainability, Office Evolution & Hydration


Stay up-to-date in an ever-changing workplace

When working in a digital and innovative environment, we must keep our knowledge and skills up-to-date, as new ways of doing things and new inventions come about almost every day.

A CPD ensures you are kept up to date in certain areas that you choose, whether to benefit your work performance or because it is something that interests you. Not only are you learning from a CPD, but you are also earning a recognized accreditation.

Stand out from the crowd

Employers are always looking for what makes an individual stand out from others. Having an accreditation such as a CPD could be the stand-out factor that shows you are committed to your career progression and have a passion for the industry. It will ensure you have the knowledge and skillset required to complete tasks to the best quality.

CPDs are a necessity in some companies

Some companies require employees to continue learning and take CPD courses to improve company performance and satisfy regulating bodies.

In this case, it is a win-win for both the company and the employee. The company is getting better-educated staff with a greater understanding of modern practices, while the employee has an official accreditation.

Increase confidence and credibility in the workplace

Work becomes a lot more enjoyable when you understand everything that you are doing. Being an expert in a field gives you confidence which will only enable you to grow your career and knowledge. Not only this, attaining such a recognized accreditation gains credibility amongst peers and employers alike, adding another string to your bow.

Choose a date and time that fits your schedule

One thing that often holds people back from learning courses is finding a time that suits them. With a CPD you can choose a time and date that fits your schedule, and in one session, which usually lasts around an hour, you have completed the accreditation. What’s more, you can even choose whether to have the session virtually or in person, which means you do not even need to leave the house if you don’t want to!

Why should you consider a Billi CPD?

We currently provide two RIBA Approved CPDs, ideal for those wanting to specify a sustainable water solution.

Our CPD presentation, Saving Space, Energy and Time, provides an insight into the sustainable provisions of drinking water in the workplace that save space, energy and time.

Our latest CPD, Sustainability, Office Evolution & Hydration, offers a unique insight into the evolving workspace and how sustainability and hydration contribute to employee wellbeing and happiness. We introduce different solutions to hydration needs in the workspace and explore how the design of these options creates an engaged workforce in a sustainable environment.

Our CPDs can be completed remotely or at The Hydration Showroom on Clerkenwell Road in London. Book your place today!