Billi Media

7th Oct 2019

Why Aren’t We Drinking Enough Water?

In a recent survey by Britvic, 62% of people admit to not drinking enough water. 

Shockingly, 20% of participants in the research admit they last drank a glass of water more than a week ago. 

With data like this revealing that us Brits are not drinking enough water, the question begs as to why? 

Our bodies are made up of more than 80% water, and we’re well aware of the benefits of hydration and its links to our health. But still many of us are forgoing our vital eight glasses per day. 

According to further research by the National Hydration Council, 13% of women don’t drink their recommended daily amount; while 20% of men are also not drinking enough water. 

In the study carried out by Britvic, the brand asked the public exactly what’s stopping them from drinking their recommended daily allowance. And the reasons vary. 

Drinking Water is Boring

According to the research commissioned by Robinsons, 52% of people say drinking water is boring. Instead, many Brits prefer to drink flavoured water. 

Drinking water can be made far more enjoyable by infusing it with fruits or a healthy squash. Even by adding a flavour to water can still provide your body with the key health benefits that it needs. 

Fizzy drinks appear to be more fun and give you a hit of sugar. But these sugar-ladened pop drinks are detrimental to your long term health. 

Instead, adding flavour to still or sparkling water can help you remain hydrated and reduce the calories you consume. 

Drinking plain water may be seen as boring, but finding a water infusion that works for you can support you in getting your recommended daily allowance. 

People can also dislike the taste of drinking regular tap water. This is quite common, especially in areas with hard water where the water may contain added chemicals to make it safe to drink. 

Trying a filtered water system can help to remove this bad taste and provide you with a more refreshing drink. 

Before adding fruit infusions or squashes to your water, try a glass of filtered water to see if you find the taste more palatable.

Parents Struggle 

According to the same research conducted by Britvic, 63% of parents struggle to ensure their kids drink water on a daily basis. 

For children especially, ensuring they drink enough water is vital for their bodies to grow and flourish. At school, hydration is also essential in ensuring they remain focussed. 

However, water consumption is not being taken seriously by many parents. In a BBC report, it was claimed that a rising number of parents are filling children’s bottles with fizzy drinks and sweet milkshakes. The report revealed that due to the rise in sugary drink consumption, 21,825 tooth extractions were performed on children in 2018. 

There have also been links to children who do not drink enough water and obesity. Between 2016-2017 the Official NHS figures put 22% of children at risk of being overweight or obese due to their consumption of sugary drinks. 

In 2017, official data revealed that one in five children in England were leaving primary school obese. 

While the Sugar Tax Levy was introduced in 2018, it was revealed that children in the UK are drinking more than 600,000 sugary drinks a day

Educating children from a young age on the benefits of water hydration helps instil healthy water habits. 

Providing children with water-rich snacks can also go a long way in helping them to reach their daily water intake. 

Too Busy To Drink Enough

Many people claim they are ‘too busy’ to drink their recommended daily allowance. A study in 2018 revealed that half of Brits feel they are ‘too busy’ to drink water, with a further 75% claiming they regularly skip meals. 

Our always on-the-go workplace mentality is having detrimental effects on our health. 

Dehydration in the workplace can lead to lack of focus and productivity, as well as more severe health issues such as migraines. 

Just one in four people are drinking enough water. Many others have revealed they swap water for tea and coffee. However, these caffeinated drinks do not provide the high level of hydration that can be sustained from a pure glass of water. 

30% of working adults say they need ‘more caffeine’ than water to function in the workplace. This is despite 43% of workers confirming that drinking a glass of water makes them feel more energised. 

As hydration is becoming a workplace issue, the onus must also fall on employers to train staff in having regular water breaks. 

Healthy Hydration Habits

In the study by Britvic, 80% of people think it would be beneficial to check their hydration as a reminder to drink more. 

There are a number of water apps now available that can encourage people to drink more water. 

Making water accessible to all staff is also a vital part of health and safety. 

In the 1992 Health & Safety Workplace Act, under regulation 22, it states that – “every supply of drinking water shall be readily accessible at suitable places.” 

Many organisations around the world are starting to make hydration a key factor in workplace wellbeing. Our Billi taps can be found in many workplaces to support regular hydration. 

However, employers must also ensure the company culture encourages people to take regular breaks and utilise these facilities. 

Being ‘too busy’ is an excuse we must begin to deter in the workplace. If a culture of poor hydration continues, it will not only directly impact the health of employees, but will also have severe impacts on business productivity. 

Even experiencing dehydration by 4% can lower your work performance by around 25%. 

As our lives become increasingly busy, at work and at home, we must do more to create better hydration habits. 

Water is a life source, and without it, we put ourselves at risk of illness and injury. 

We are all individual in our approach to water, so it’s often well-advised to find water habits that can help ensure you’re drinking enough water. Find something that works for you and stick with it.