Billi Media

9th Aug 2018

Is Canned Water the Way Forward?

Tesco Now Stocks Canned Water

The plastic waste battle has and will continue to be a long one. Our oceans are currently suffering from the blight of plastic waste, and unless changes are made, this will simply continue. The fragile ocean eco-systems will continue to be threatened as a result of human plastic waste.

However, some of the biggest businesses around are pledging to make changes. Some changes are already rolling out across the nation. From the government’s introduction of the 5p plastic bag charge in January of this year, to McDonald’s trialling biodegradable straws, it does seem like most individuals, businesses and even policymakers are looking for ways to reduce our impact on the environment.

For Tesco, things are no different. As an effort to reduce shopper’s plastic consumption, they have recently announced that they will now be selling aluminium canned water. You can buy the cans, which are made by the brand, CanO Water, individually or as part of a meal deal. Your lunchtime meal deal just got a whole lot more ec0-friendly.

When you’re on the go, it’s hard to choose a drink that isn’t in a plastic bottle. This new push of canned drinks by the supermarket giant may just convince others to do the same. It’s hard to purchase a plastic bottle without feeling a wave of guilt. But, now, you don’t have to. Choose a canned drink, and make a positive difference.

Aluminium Recycling

You might be thinking, surely aluminium requires huge amounts of energy to transform into cans? Actually, aluminium is the most cost-effective material to recycle. So, as long as you’re properly recycling your aluminium cans, you’re genuinely making a difference to reducing plastic waste.

The reason aluminium is the go-to material of choice is because of how easily recyclable it is. “Aluminium cans have the highest recycling rate of any product out there and a recycled can could be back on the shelf as another one in just 60 days,” says, Ariel Booker, co-founder of CanO Water.

Because of how easily recyclable it is, it’s estimated that around 75% of all aluminium that has ever been made is still out there being used. However, it will have been recycled and repurposed many times over.  Owing to this, it makes aluminium one of the most sustainable materials for food packaging.

So, next time you’re in Tesco, make sure to pick up a canned water to go with your lunch. Save the environment one can at a time, and stay hydrated! Just remember to recycle it afterwards.