Billi Media

19th Jun 2019

How Can Billi Help with CPD?

CPD: What is Continuing Professional Development & How Can Billi Help?

What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a system which exists to assist you throughout the course of your career development. Ongoing attainment of professional knowledge, skills and experience contributes to a physical record, which reflects your progression within your field. As such, it is a continuous, self-directed process that helps you develop your repertoire of expertise, define your own goals and ultimately, enhance your professional performance.

Why is CPD so important?

Your education as a professional does not end once you are qualified. In order for you to excel in your profession, it is vital to continuously refresh knowledge and remain up to date with new developments in your field. This is crucial in order to deliver the highest standard of service to customers and society at large. Indeed, CPD is mandatory in some professions: in order to be a RIBA Chartered architect for example, you are required to undertake a minimum of 35 hours of CPD per year.

CPD does not just ensure that clients and employers can be confident of your skills; it is also beneficial to you as an individual. With the working world changing at an ever-faster rate, CPD ensures that professionals are not left behind. Ongoing learning and development means you can be aware of new innovations and changes in direction and leverage these to maximise your skills. CPD also boosts confidence and offers fresh perspectives to keep you interested, excited and engaged in your field. Meanwhile, relevant and contemporaneous industry knowledge opens up new opportunities, offering you the means to progress and advance.

Billi: An approved CPD provider

Billi is proud to announce that we are now an approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider. Our presentation, Saving Space, Energy and Time: Design considerations when specifying sustainable drinking water systems, officially counts towards your CPD and is an invaluable learning opportunity for architects and interior designers alike.

The presentation offers a comprehensive insight into design considerations when integrating a drinking water system into a workplace. Specifically, it explores how hot and chilled water taps can be incorporated in a way that saves energy, space and time. Below are some of the learning outcomes we can provide:

  • How to accurately shape client expectations of drinking water systems.
  • An understanding of the difference between water-cooled and air-cooled systems – and which is better.
  • How to identify and deliver upon space, energy and time requirements. How can the right water system save space, energy and time?
  • Knowledge of drinking water industry regulations, including those around sustainability.
  • Insight into the importance of plastic-free workplaces.
  • An understanding of the impact of aesthetics and the scope for design flexibility.
  • Knowledge of aftercare considerations – filtration, scale management and maintenance.

As a water systems company with years of experience and an outstanding track record of innovation and service, we can provide unique insight that will contribute to your CPD and allow you to serve your clients to the highest standard possible. For more details, please get in touch today.