Billi Media

17th Oct 2018

Can Drinking Green Tea Benefit my Health?

Can Green tea help my health?

Green Tea; we’ve seen it everywhere. Raved about by social media influencers, nutritionists and dietitians, it’s no wonder it’s one of the latest health crazes. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves – an organic and healthier alternative to black tea. The healthy beverage can help improve brain function and reduce risks of cancer. But, it all seems too good to be true. So what exactly are the health benefits of this marvellous, antioxidant-rich drink?

What health benefits will I get from drinking Green Tea?

Green Tea was originally used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies that date back to the 9th Century. It was here where they found the countless benefits that green tea had on the body. Fast forward to the modern day and these opinions are still very much the same. Green tea is high in protective polyphenols. The significant polyphenols that are detected in green tea are known as flavonoids. Catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) function as powerful antioxidants. These are the most active flavonoids found in green tea, hence why it’s so good for you! It really packs a powerful antioxidant punch.

Reducing Heart Problems

Catechins and polyphenols are thought to bring protective effects on the cardiovascular system. Many studies have looked at the possible links between green tea and cardiovascular disease. But, what’s the verdict?

A study of 40,530 Japanese adults found that participants who drank more than five cups of green tea a day had a 26% lower risk of death from heart attack or stroke. As well as this, they had a 16% lower risk of death from all causes than people who drank less than one cup of green tea a day.

Antioxidants are found in a selection of fruit and vegetables, they are essential in protecting your body from disease. To keep up a healthy and balanced diet, why not include green tea to strengthen your chances with plenty of antioxidants.

When purchasing green tea try to pick a higher quality brand. Some of the lower quality brands can often have large amounts of fluoride. But choosing any green tea is better than not choosing one at all.

How do I prepare green tea?

To get as many antioxidants out of every cup of green tea as possible, it is important to consider how long you should brew your leaves for. Warm and ambient temperatures are the most beneficial when bringing out the antioxidants. It’s super handy for green tea lovers then, that Billi taps release hot water at a little below boiling – this way it won’t damage your tea leaves or leave your tea with a bitter taste! Allow the tea leaves to soak for up to 3 minutes. And, voila, you’re instantly healthier already.