Billi Media

25th Apr 2019

Decaf Coffee: What’s the Buzz Surrounding It?

More and More People are Switching to Decaf

You’d be correct in thinking that people drink coffee for the caffeine kick. It helps us conquer long days, and kick the fatigue that comes from early starts. So, why are more people switching to decaffeinated coffee? Caffeine is what keeps the nation going, moving and thriving – or so we thought.

What is decaf coffee?

You’d be mistaken to think that decaf coffee is free from caffeine. This is a common misconception. Decaf actually still contains caffeine, just in a much lower dose than your usual cup of coffee. The usual amount of caffeine present in decaf coffee varies from brand to brand, or coffee shop to coffee shop.  However, usually, 97% of the caffeine usually present in coffee is removed when it comes to the decaffeinated stuff.

How is it made?

Decaf coffee is made by removing the caffeine molecules from the coffee beans. It is an intensive process that takes place in specialised facilities due to the method required to decaffeinate the beans.

Traditionally, decaffeination takes place while the coffee beans are still green – so before roasting takes place. They are placed in large tanks of water so that the caffeine inside the beans can be made soluble, and then dissolved, which can then be ‘washed out’ of the coffee beans.

Is it completely caffeine free?

Decaf coffee does still contain caffeine (as we well knew), but just how much? According to research, decaf coffee will typically contain 2 – 15 milligrams of caffeine in a full cup. Regular coffee, by comparison, will contain around 80-100 milligrams of caffeine, which will definitely keep you perked up and alert!

Why switch to decaf?

One big question on caffeine drinkers lips is, why switch to decaf? Everybody seems to reach for a cup of coffee to fight tiredness, so it seems counterproductive to drink a cup of decaf.

Well, for starters some people actually like the taste of coffee! Rather than reaching for a cup of tea, a hot cup of decaf coffee could be just as relaxing and give you the essential time out from your desk that you need.

We also know that although it is called ‘decaffeinated coffee’, that decaf still does contain some caffeine. So, if you’re feeling a little jittery after one too many cups of regular coffee, decaf could be the answer to warm your insides, but stop you from having a caffeine overload.

Some people are extremely reactive to caffeine, and a singular cups can lead to heightened feelings of anxiety or headaches. Decaf can allow you to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee, made quickly and easily with your Billi tap, without the jitters or stress that caffeinated coffee can lead to.