Billi Media

14th Mar 2019

Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake With These Simple Tricks

How to Easily Cut Your Sugar Intake During Your Day

Sugar is the devil in disguise. It may make things taste great, but it has a whole bunch of health risks that come along with it.

Too much sugar in your diet can lead to weight gain, increased risk of heart disease and/or diabetes and negatively impacts your dental health. We all know sugar is bad for us, but trying to cut it out of our diet is a lot easier said than done.

One of the best ways you can do this though is quite simple. Say if you have, on average, 3 cups of coffee a day and in each coffee, you have 2 spoonful’s of sugar, that is 6 spoonful’s of sugar a day! What if you could find a way to remove the sugar from your coffee whilst still enjoying the same sweet taste you crave every time you boil the kettle? Well, below are some ideas to help you get started.

Hot Drinks

If you are a regular tea drinker, why not try herbal teas. They offer a range of health benefits and taste sweeter than a normal brew without the sugar. Try fruit teas with no added sugar for the sweet fruity taste, without the naughtiness of sugar.

What about this tip… believe it or not, a pinch of sea salt to your morning coffee can make your coffee taste sweeter. It reduces the bitterness of coffee and enhances the overall flavour. Similarly, a slice of lemon or orange in your cup of tea will have the same effect.

Vanilla extract is a way of making hot drinks sweeter without the added sugar you find in most syrups. If you can’t find any vanilla extract in your office, fear not. Many shops now sell sugar-free versions of your favourite flavoured syrups, and they come in mini sizes too! Perfect to keep in your top drawer for a treat for your sweet tooth without the sugar.

Are you a bit of a chocoholic? Then add a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder to your coffee and voila…you have yourself a mocha!

Easy swaps such as changing your normal cows milk to almond or coconut milk can also make your coffee a lot sweeter. This is a simple change, and can actually be beneficial to the environment too, as it means you’re consuming less dairy.

Perhaps one of the easiest and more common ways to sweeten up your hot drinks is by adding a spoonful of honey. Honey also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Perfect for if you’re feeling a little under the weather, hungover or need a pick me up. 

Finally, how about adding cinnamon to your coffee? It gives an extra kick and can also help to reduce your blood sugar levels and has a substantial anti-diabetic effect.

We hope these suggestions have provided you with a few new ideas to help you reduce your daily sugar intake. Why not try one of them next time you’re in the office and have a sugar craving.