Billi Media

11th Sep 2017

Our Essential Checklist For Your Office Kitchen

Everything You Need For Your Office Kitchen

Office kitchens can be the heart of your business. It’s where your staff can unwind, refuel and relax during breaks or in the morning. They provide space for discussions, friendships and support when people need it. An essential break from screen time or phone calls. This is why it’s so important for them to be well stocked, clean and design led. A good office kitchen is practical, well thought out and vital for employee well-being. Owing to this, we have summarised our office kitchen essentials. Here’s our checklist of must-haves for your office kitchen.


Fridges are essential for staff to keep food and drink in. You may not think it’s important as people bring in their lunch each day, but having a fridge gives you somewhere to keep milk for teas and coffees and also gives staff somewhere to keep their lunch if they’ve brought something other than sandwiches. Besides, if somebody brings in cakes, you’re definitely going to want to keep them cool!

office kitchen must haves


Having somewhere to heat food means that your staff have more choice with what they choose to bring to work for lunch. It also encourages them to stay in the workplace for lunch and not go out to eat, as they can bring leftovers for lunch. By staying in the office at lunchtimes, it can help facilitate chats between staff members. They can get to know each other over lunch.

Billi Taps

Having Billi taps in your office can not only save you money due to the fact they use less energy than traditional water systems – they also help keep your staff hydrated. Instant chilled, sparkling or boiling water means that your staff can get the drink they want straight away, without having to wait for the kettle to boil or water to cool.

office essentials checklist


If people are going to be eating lunch and potentially breakfast in the office kitchen, then it needs to be stocked with utensils. People will not want to bring their own cutlery or utensils from home every day, so having a well-stocked kitchen is essential. Just make sure people wash up after themselves and keep the kitchen clean.

Dishes – Bowls, Plates etc.

Like utensils and cutlery, people will not want to bring their own dishes with them to work every day. Providing dishes means that people can sit together at the table in the office kitchen and feel at home, rather than eat at their desk from Tupperware.

Water Bottles

Providing water is great, but why not take it one step further? Providing branded water bottles for the workplace means people can stay hydrated all day at their desk without having to use multiple cups and glasses (it also means less washing up!) Keeping your workplace hydrated is essential as it encourages productivity and helps them stay focused.

personalised glass bottles

Large Table

Giving staff a specific place to sit and eat their lunch also gives them somewhere to relax and engage in conversations with their work colleagues. Office kitchen spaces are the hub of any business, from SME’s to large corporations. Bustling kitchens encourage networking and a place to talk about frustrations or successes of your day.

These are just some of our office kitchen essentials. Other items could include utensil stands, plastic containers or a coffee machine! The main aim of an office kitchen is to create a friendly, practical environment for your employees to eat, drink and communicate with each other.