Billi Media

19th Jul 2018

A Refreshing Summer Syrup Recipe

Delicious Summer Syrup Recipe

Using seasonal produce is a straightforward way of reducing our carbon footprint. During the summer months, an abundance of produce is available sourced from local providers around the UK. It couldn’t be easier to get your hands on whether you shop locally or in the supermarkets. 

Of course, the nation’s favourite – the humble strawberries and cream – is the first thing to pop into our minds when we think about traditional British summer produce. However, a tangy favourite, gooseberries can make for an interesting alternative. Gooseberries tend to be firm and deliciously sour as spring tips into summer, becoming tender and sweet as July approaches. Their arrival at the end of spring is perfectly timed with the arrival of the elderflower, making them a naturally perfect pairing. With this in mind, our gooseberry and elderflower summer syrup is both tangy and sweet and makes for a refreshing summertime drink. 

goosberry and elderflower syrup


To make this summer syrup, in a large pan gently dissolve 250g of caster sugar in 250ml of water over a low heat. Meanwhile, using a peeler, remove a few long strips of lemon rind and add to the sugar syrup. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the pan. Having done this, add 350g of plump gooseberries. Let these flavours meld together, turning up the heat, for 5 – 10 minutes until the gooseberries are very soft. Leave aside to cool.

Once cool, strain the summer syrup through a sieve, pressing the flesh well with the back of a spoon to extract all the juices, then chill thoroughly. Once completely cool, stir in elderflower cordial to taste. Create your own yummy taste concoction. Your summer syrup is now ready to go!

We suggest decanting this syrupy goodness into one of our Billi glass bottles – this way it can be enjoyed all summer long, and even taken to work! Whether at home or in the workplace, simply dilute the gooseberry and elderflower syrup with sparkling water straight from your Billi tap. We suggest serving over heaps of ice and garnishing with mint.

Now, there’s nothing left to do but enjoy the flavours of our much loved British summer!