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instant hot water tap

The Technology Behind Billi’s Instant Boiling Water Tap

If there’s one thing that is guaranteed to wow you about our Billi instant boiling water tap, it’s the innovative technology.  In the early 1990s, the Billi Research and development team used…

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hot water taps

The Benefits of Hot Water Taps in Co-Working Spaces

When you think of hot water taps, you may think of your home, but this technology is being utilised in co-working spaces and workplaces across the UK.  After all, we all want…

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Do Luxury Workplaces Create More Productivity?

From Google’s in-house slide to the Pinterest pix&mix shop; luxury workplaces are becoming a norm. But the question begs, are these luxury spaces making us more productive?  Or are they gimmicks to…

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charcoal infused water

The Health Benefits of Charcoal Infused Water

At Billi, we love revealing how you can infuse your still or sparkling water to make hydration more enjoyable. With this in mind,  we thought we would reveal the increasing popularity of…

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drinking enough water

Why Aren’t We Drinking Enough Water?

In a recent survey by Britvic, 62% of people admit to not drinking enough water.  Shockingly, 20% of participants in the research admit they last drank a glass of water more than…

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