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world environment day 2019

World Environment Day: How your office can make a difference

It’s World Environment Day Here’s how offices can increase sustainability and reduce waste… Since the first World Environment Day in 1974, June 5th has been dedicated to spreading awareness and inspiring action…

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temperature for drinks

How Does Drinking Water Affect Productivity?

Hydration & Brain Function Everything we do begins with the brain. This brilliant organ necessitates our survival and orchestrates our movements, thought patterns and creations. So, looking after it could not be…

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clerkenwell design week festival 2019

Clerkenwell Design Week: Billi Round Up

A Roundup from our time at Clerkenwell Design Week This week we’re back in the office after a great time at the 10th Anniversary of Clerkenwell Design Week. For those that don’t…

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drinking vessel hot drinks

The Most Popular Drinking Vessel for Coffee/Tea

A Cup Above? The Most Popular Hot Drinks Containers We’ve all got our own preferences when it comes to hot drinks. From builders tea to peppermint tea, gingerbread lattes to double espressos,…

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Chas & SafeContractor Accreditations

We are pleased to enclose our CHAS and SafeContractor certificates. CHAS assures Health and Safety excellence within the Construction industry. SafeContractor assures Health and Safety but also financial stability and commitment to compliance…

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