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specifiers billi taps

Specifiers: Why Billi Systems Are Perfect for Your Project

Specifiers: Four Reasons Why Billi Products are the Perfect Match for Your Project If you are an architect or interior designer then Billi products are the unbeatable choice for your project. Why?…

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What Are Cold-Infusion Teas? Will You Try Them?

Cold-Infusion Teas, Have You Heard of Them? A cup of healthy, herbal tea, any time of the day can be a guilt free treat that does wonders for our gloomy, winter moods…

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green tea benefits

Green Tea: Is it As Healthy As We Think?

Green Tea – Can It Be Made Even Healthier? A recent study has suggested that filtered water boosts green tea’s antioxidant powers. However, it also revealed green tea tastes better using filtered…

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Parkeray - new office - Billi Taps

Why Billi Water Systems Are The Best for Office Kitchens

Here’s Why You Should Use Billi Systems If you’re thinking about installing Billi taps in your workplace, you’re about to make a great decision! With sleek designs that come in a variety…

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billi bottling system

Billi Bottling Systems: Making Meeting Room Refreshment Easy

Bottling Systems For When Taps Won’t Cut It Proper hydration in the workplace is essential. If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’ll know it’s something we’re incredibly passionate about…

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