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wellbeing at work

How to Ensure Wellbeing in the Workplace

Happy Staff = Productive Staff. Here’s How to Ensure Wellbeing Over the winter months, staff motivation and feelings of contentment can be at an all time low. Coming back to work after…

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peppermint tea benefits

Peppermint Tea: Digestion Aid or Health Myth?

Peppermint Tea Fan? Here’s Why it’s So Good For You Plenty of herbal teas claim health benefits, but peppermint tea is truly one of the good ones. The herbal, mint-based tea has…

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plastic free day

Plastic Free Tuesday: A Growing Movement

Can You Go Plastic Free One Day a Week? Plastic is everywhere. Take a look at the lunches you buy, day in, day out. Your sandwich will be wrapped in plastic, your…

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moving office checklist Billi UK

Whitepaper – Everything We Learnt From an Office Move

Looking Back on an Office Move. What Were the Challenges and Successes? In December of last year, Billi undertook one of the biggest challenges yet in the workplace. Moving office. The job…

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Under Counter Water Boilers – The Technology Behind it

Good Things Come in Small Packages Billi under counter water boiling systems take up a small space, have little impact on the environment, dispense cups of hot and chilled water in a…

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